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Sandra Todd-Williams Academy Time Capsule Sealed for 50 Years!

Posted May 24, 2021

When you walk into Sandra Todd-Williams Academy, you might notice something unique. As you pass by the front office, there lies a glass box built into the wall. The purpose of the box? A space for a time capsule — not to be opened for 50 years!

Over the past five years, we at Sandra Todd-Williams Academy have been adding to this time capsule. In 2016, our founding staff included class photos from our founding year, a copy of our Staff and Parent Handbooks, a school uniform and student hat from Field Day, our informational pamphlet, our March Madness bracket, letters from the principal and staff members, the “run of show” script from the ribbon-cutting ceremony, a CD of photos from our founding year, copies of our mission and vision statements, and a scrapbook of photos of the school build and highlights from year one.

Since then, we’ve continued to add to the time capsule to document important moments that we’ve experienced. In 2017, we included photos, glasses, and information about the solar eclipse. And this year, our namesake, Ms. Sandra Todd-Williams added a special letter to the capsule.

On May 24, with some help from Ms. Sandra Todd-Williams, we finally sealed the capsule shut. The plaque states that it is to be opened in 2066, 50 years after the founding of our school.

“When it’s opened in 2066, if I am lucky enough to still be alive, I will be 97 years old.  My hope is that Sandra Todd-Williams Academy is still a thriving, successful school 50 years from now and that the school is living up to the mission and vision we created in 2016.”

Principal, Leslie Harvey

Photos of Our Time Capsule!