Round 1 Enrollment is Now Closed. If you have further questions please give us a call 720-424-8240

End of Year Family communication

Posted May 13, 2022

Dear Sandra Todd-Williams Academy Family,

The end of the 2021-2022 school year has arrived!  We are so thankful that you have trusted us with your scholar this year.  It has been a challenging, but extremely rewarding year!  With that said, we wanted to make sure you were up to date on our End-of-Year Calendar so we can end this awesome year with a bang!

Field Day

  • We will be hosting our Field Day next Friday, May 20th from 8:45 am to 10:45 am.  Families are welcome to attend.  If you would like to volunteer to help us set up and clean up after the event, please let us know by submitting the form linked HERE.  After Field Day, we will return to normal operations with a normal end of day schedule.

Last Day of Instruction

  • The last day of school for all students will be Thursday, June 2nd.

Continuation Car Parade

  • On Friday, June 3rd, we will host a Continuation Car Parade Celebration for our students who are moving on to Kindergarten next year.  The celebration will run from 9 am to 10:30 am.   The Denver Police Mounted Patrol will be on campus to celebrate with us so our kiddos can interact with the horses at the park.  We will also have a Food Truck stationed at the park across the street for families to enjoy until 10:30 am.  We will provide you with more detailed information as we get closer that week. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Laura Barraza, at 720-424-8269.

Thank you!

Donald Reynolds
