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Parent Teacher Conferences October 10th – 13th

Posted October 7, 2022

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held next week, October 10 through October 13.  In order to accommodate the varied needs of our families, we are offering in-person meeting options and virtual meetings options (i.e. meetings using video conferencing) . For our in-person meeting days, all 4 year-old classroom teachers will hold conferences from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Monday and Wednesday of next week.  Families of our 4-year old students preferring to meet via video conferencing may sign up for meetings from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. 

Our 3 year-old ECE teachers, Specials teachers (i.e. Art & Physical Education), and  Special Education staff have conference schedules unique to their particular class type.  Please see the master schedule linked HERE for more detailed information.

  • To reserve a meeting slot for next week, please use the Sign-up Genius tabs linked HERE.  Use the black arrows at the top of the page to find the sign-up page for your child’s teacher.  Click on the teacher’s name to select the sign-up page.  Next, find an open meeting time that is convenient for you then click the green “Sign-up” button to reserve the slot. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you need assistance with reserving a meeting slot.
  • Please note that there will be no school on Friday, October 14th.

If you need an interpreter for your conference please notify your classroom teacher or call the STWA Family Liaison, Laura Barraza, at 720-424-8269.