Round 1 Enrollment is Now Closed. If you have further questions please give us a call 720-424-8240

Black Excellence

Black Student Growth Goals

  1. By the end of every school year, over 90% of our Black students who attend
    at least 80% of the time, will be meeting or exceeding expectations for all
    Language and Literacy TSGold objectives and show no major disparities in
    any TSGold objectives compared to other student groups.
  2. By the end of every school year, there will be no major negative disparities in
    learning for our Black students across all STWA TSGold Power Standards

Black Excellence Plan Theory of Action

  1. By engaging, supporting, and partnering with our Black families to extend our
    developmental work into the home setting, we will be able to achieve our
    Language and Literacy TSGold growth goals for all of our Black students.

Key Strategic Questions

  1. If 5 years from now, we are viewed as an exemplary school for Black Family
    Engagement, what kinds of things are we doing routinely to engage our
  2. What are the first steps we can take right now to move in that direction by
    engaging our Black families?

Key Strategic Questions

  1. If 5 years from now, we are viewed as an exemplary school for Black Family
    Engagement, what kinds of things are we doing routinely to engage our
  2. What are the first steps we can take right now to move in that direction by
    engaging our Black families?

Our Plan

Near Term Goals

Set individualized goals with Black families
regarding specific outcomes they are seeking for
their children this year.
Periodically share TSGold-based learning goals
with families
Partner with families to extend learning taking
place at school into the the home setting.
Engage in collaborative progress monitoring of
TSGold objectives with families
Monitor disaggregated TSGold data throughout
the year to identify and respond to any disparities

Long Term Goals

Host community nights to engage families in
community building & information sharings
Conduct Home Visits focused on sharing
community-based resources for social-emotional
& academic learning

“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.” – Dr. Mae Jemison