Round 1 Enrollment is Now Closed. If you have further questions please give us a call 720-424-8240

Important Resources

ece student
My Class Dojo Tutorials Videos

Direct Link to ClassDojo

Family-paid low cost options Internet:

Internet Essentials (broadband) – $10/month for reliable access at sufficient speed

StarryConnect (broadband) – $15/month for reliable, fast access (currently only available to households in apartments or other multi-family units

EveryoneOn Offer Locator (resource) – helps users search for available low-cost internet solutions for their household, by zip code)

How to Use Google Translator Mobile App
Parent Portal

Creating your account is easy! Click here to get started.

Families new to Denver Public Schools (DPS): Your child first must be actively enrolled in a DPS school in order to create a Parent Portal account. For more information on enrollment and the School Choice process visit: Please make sure you receive your student’s DPS school ID number from the enrollment representative or school secretary before creating a Parent Portal account.

Parent Involvement in Early Childhood

Research proves parent engagement is important to a child’s growth and development!

How To Get Involved:

  • Collaborative School Committee (CSC)
  • Chaperone to field trips
  • Volunteer in school Activities (picture day, field trips, classroom parent, etc.)
  • Complete Denver Public Schools Volunteer Application at
Increasing Student Achievement, One Visit at a Time

What is a home visit?

Home visits are meetings between school staff and families focused on building positive relationships. They are:

  • 20-30 minutes long
  • Voluntary for both staff and families
  • Hosted somewhere outside of school (home, park, library, etc.)
  • Based around the question – what are your hopes and dreams for your child?

Why home visits?

Home visits are a research-based approach correlated with improvements in

  • Student achievement
  • Attendance
  • Behavior 

About Parent Teacher Home Visits

Too often, a home visit from a teacher means one thing to a family: trouble. But with the Parent Teacher Home Visit (PTHV) Program, the goal is to start by building a strong and positive relationship between the family and the school.

The visits begin with the teacher asking about the family’s hopes and dreams for their child. By involving the parents and families, we create a better chance of success for students.

School Tours

We welcome school tours for prospective parents. Please call the office for any accommodations at (720)-424-8240