Round 1 Enrollment is Now Closed. If you have further questions please give us a call 720-424-8240

School Meals

Denver Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services menus are now live in School Café!

Access directly from the link above or through the Food and Nutrition Services website.

To access your student’s menu you have two options:

When you log-in you can select your student’s menu on the home page. If you select “View Menu” (as a guest) you will be directed to the main school menu page where you will select the school and meal service (breakfast or lunch). After selecting a school and meal, the daily menu will display. From this page, you can select for allergens, view nutrition info, and make a tray.

Select the weekly or monthly menu on the top of the page to get a longer menu. Print the monthly menu and filter for allergens from this page.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Food and Nutrition Services at 720-423-5600.