Round 1 Enrollment is Now Closed. If you have further questions please give us a call 720-424-8240

School Supply List

Supply List 2024-2025: For 3 and 4 year old classrooms

**If your child is not potty trained, please pack 2 pullups and a packet of wipes. These will be left in their backpacks and be for your child’s use only.


 ECE-3 2024-2025

**If your child is not potty trained, pack 4 training pants (Pull-Ups) and a package of wipes. These will remain in the classroom with the child’s extra set of clothing and will be for the exclusive use of your child.

School Supplies: Do not write the child’s name on any of the supplies.

1 pack of Crayola Pip Squeaks markers                   
2 boxes of Crayola Classic Colors washable markers
1 box of Crayola Thick crayons (24 count)                 
4 Containers of Play-Doh  
I pallet of Crayola Washable paints
2 rolls of Bounty paper towels            
1 container of Clorox wipes         
2 boxes of Kleenex